End of Quarter Notes:

Here are the team in-class presentation dates:

Tues June 6: Teams 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12
Thu, June 8: Teams 1, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16

The order in which you will present will be randomly selected on those days, so you could go first. (So be on time and ready to go!)


Teaching Team:

Prof. David Lee

Email: dlee105@ucsc.edu

Office Hours: Fridays, 4:40 – 6:40 pm Engineering 2 Room 559


Prof. Brent Haddad

E-mail: bhaddad@ucsc.edu       

Office Hours: (see below), Engineering 2 Room 567


T.A. Sean Laney

E-mail: sclaney@ucsc.edu     

Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:00 - 3:00 pm Engineering 2 Room 486


Prof. Haddad's office hours through the rest of the quarter:

Prof. Haddad's office hours will be as follows, in room 567 Engineering 2 (that is, the usual room):

Wednesday, May 31 - 1:30 (or whenever TIMFUL ends) until 4:00 pm.
Tuesday, June 6  -  1-3  pm
Wednesday June 7  -  no office hours
Thursday June 8  -  1-3 pm

Required reading:

The course has one required book - a classic by Dr. Jerry Kaplan called: Startup: A Silicon Valley Adventure, Penguin Books, 1996.  Please acquire this book since it will be part of early problem sets in the class.

Lecture Notes:

Lecture #1 notes

Lecture #2 has no notes since teams were forming and undertaking structured brainstorming.

Lecture #3 notes

Lecture #4 notes

Lecture #5 notes

Lecture #6 notes

Lecture #7 notes

Lecture #8 notes

Lecture #9 notes

Lecture #10 notes

Lecture #11 was the midterm!

Lecture #12

Lecture #13

Lecture #14

Lecture #15

Lecture #16

Lecture #18



Structured Brainstorming

Structured Problem Solving

FAST Diagrams

Cash Flow Analysis


Problem Sets:

Problem Set 1 and Project Kick-off

Project Phase I

Problem Set 2

Project Phase II

Problem Set 3

Project Phase III

Problem Set 4

Project Phase IV

Problem Set 5

Project Phases:

Here are team meeting times and locations:


  Tuesdays (4/18, 4/25, 5/9, 5/23) Wednesdays (4/12, 4/26, 5/10, 5/24) Thursdays (4/13, 4/27, 5/11, 5/25) Fridays (4/14, 4/28, 5/12, 5/26)
  Sean Laney, E-2 486 Brent Haddad, E2-567 Sean Laney, E-2 486 David Lee, E2-559
11:40 AM ---------------- Team 8 ---------------- ----------------
noon ---------------- Team 13 ---------------- ----------------
12:20 PM ---------------- Team 11 ---------------- ----------------
12:40 PM ---------------- Team 15 ---------------- ----------------
1:00 PM   ---------------- Team 9 ----------------
1:20 PM Team 6 ---------------- Team 3 ----------------
1:40 PM Team 7 ---------------- Team 10 ----------------
2:00 PM   ---------------- Team 4 ----------------
2:20 PM   ----------------   ----------------
2:40 PM Team 1 ---------------- Team 5 ----------------
3:00 PM ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
| ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
| ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- ----------------
5:40 PM ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- Team 2
6:00 PM ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- Team 16
6:20 PM ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- Team 12
6:40 PM ---------------- ---------------- ---------------- Team 14


Here is the team membership roster.

If you drop the class, or learn that a team member has dropped the class, let us know so we can adjust the roster.

Policy on late homework: Homework is due in class on the Thursday specified, and should be in physical form (on paper).  When Professors Lee and Haddad leave class after lecture, homework not turned in yet is late.  If it is turned in to Professors Lee or Haddad before class starts the following Tuesday, it will earn 80% of its actual score.  No points are available after that.  This applies to all homeworks except Homework 1.

Policy on improving your homework score:  The homeworks should be returned on the Tuesday following the due date.  From that time forward, students have one week to redo any questions in which they didn't get full credit.  Turn in both your original homework and your corrected homework attached to each other in class the following Tuesday.  We will regrade the redone questions and give you 80% of the additional points earned.

Disability Resources Note: If you are a student with a disability who requires accommodations to achieve equal access in this course, please submit your Accommodation Authorization Letter from the Disability Resource Center (DRC) to Professors Haddad or Lee privately during Our office hours or by appointment, preferably within the first two weeks of the quarter. At That time, we would also like to discuss ways we can ensure your full participation in the course. We encourage all students who may benefit from learning more about DRC services to contact DRC by phone at 831-459-2089, or by email at drc@ucsc.edu.


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